Source code for Corrfunc.bases

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
from colossus.cosmology import cosmology

Helper routines for basis functions for the continuous-function estimator.
# Spline basis #

[docs]def spline_bases(rmin, rmax, projfn, ncomponents, ncont=2000, order=3): ''' Compute a set of spline basis functions for the given order. Parameters ---------- rmin : double Minimum r-value for basis functions rmax : double Maximum r-value for basis functions projfn : string, default=None Path to projection file if necessary ncomponents : int Number of components (basis functions) ncont : int, default=2000 Number of continuous r-values at which to write the basis function file order : int, default=3 Order of spline to use; default is cubic spline Returns ------- bases: array-like, double 2-d array of basis function values; first column is r-values ''' if ncomponents<order*2: raise ValueError("ncomponents must be at least twice the order") kvs = _get_knot_vectors(rmin, rmax, ncomponents, order) rcont = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, ncont) bases = np.empty((ncont, ncomponents+1)) bases[:,0] = rcont for n in range(ncomponents): kv = kvs[n] b = BSpline.basis_element(kv) bases[:,n+1] = [b(r) if kv[0]<=r<=kv[-1] else 0 for r in rcont] np.savetxt(projfn, bases) return bases
def _get_knot_vectors(rmin, rmax, ncomponents, order): nknots = order+2 kvs = np.empty((ncomponents, nknots)) width = (rmax-rmin)/(ncomponents-order) for i in range(order): val = i+1 kvs[i,:] = np.concatenate((np.full(nknots-val, rmin), np.linspace(rmin+width, rmin+width*val, val))) kvs[ncomponents-i-1] = np.concatenate((np.linspace(rmax-width*val, rmax-width, val), np.full(nknots-val, rmax))) for j in range(ncomponents-2*order): idx = j+order kvs[idx] = rmin+width*j + np.arange(0,nknots)*width return kvs ############# # BAO basis # #############
[docs]def bao_bases(rmin, rmax, projfn, cosmo_base=None, ncont=2000, redshift=0.0, alpha_guess=1.0, dalpha=0.001, bias=1.0, k0=0.1, k1=10.0, k2=0.1, k3=0.001): ''' Compute the 5-component BAO basis functions based on a cosmological model and linearized around the scale dilation parameter alpha. Parameters ---------- rmin : double Minimum r-value for basis functions rmax : double Maximum r-value for basis functions projfn : string, default=None Path to projection file if necessary cosmo_base : nbodykit cosmology object, default=nbodykit.cosmology.Planck15 Cosmology object for the BAO model. ncont : int, default=2000 Number of continuous r-values at which to write the basis function file redshift : double, default=0.0 Redshift at which to compute power spectrum alpha_guess : double, default=1.0 The alpha (scale dilation parameter) at which to compute the model (alpha=1.0 is no scale shift) dalpha : double, default=0.001 The change in alpha (scale dilation parameter) used to calculate the numerical partial derivative bias : double, default=1.0 The bias parameter by which to scale the model amplitude (bias=1.0 indicates no bias) k0 : double, default=0.1 The initial magnitude of the derivative term k1 : double, default=1.0 The initial magnitude of the s^2 nuisance parameter term k2 : double, default=0.1 The initial magnitude of the s nuisance parameter term k3 : double, default=0.001 The initial magnitude of the constant nuisance parameter term Returns ------- bases: array-like, double 2-d array of basis function values; first column is r-values ''' if cosmo_base is None: print("cosmo_base not provided, defaulting to Planck 2015 cosmology ('planck15')") cosmo_base = cosmology.setCosmology('planck15') cf = cosmo_base.correlationFunction def cf_model(r): return bias * cf(r, z=redshift) rcont = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, ncont) bs = _get_bao_components(rcont, cf_model, dalpha, alpha_guess, k0=k0, k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3) nbases = len(bs) bases = np.empty((ncont, nbases+1)) bases[:,0] = rcont bases[:,1:nbases+1] = np.array(bs).T np.savetxt(projfn, bases) ncomponents = bases.shape[1]-1 return bases
def _get_bao_components(r, cf_func, dalpha, alpha, k0=0.1, k1=10.0, k2=0.1, k3=0.001): b1 = k1/r**2 b2 = k2/r b3 = k3*np.ones(len(r)) cf = cf_func(alpha*r) b4 = cf cf_dalpha = cf_func((alpha+dalpha)*r) dcf_dalpha = _partial_derivative(cf, cf_dalpha, dalpha) b5 = k0*dcf_dalpha return b1,b2,b3,b4,b5 def _partial_derivative(f1, f2, dv): df = f2-f1 deriv = df/dv return deriv